Cleo & Putt Putt Puppies
Born November 5th, 2015
Ready to go home December 29th, 2015
FEMALE : Blue Merle, 2 blue eyes, Lots of very rich dark copper trim. This little girl will look alot like her mother.
She is a stocky puppy with a good ear set and beautiful markings. She would make a great addition to any toy breeder or a super pet/companion. Should be a medium toy size. $2000 SOLD
Click the above pics to go to their page.
This will be a toy size litter. Mom is 12 lbs and Dad is 6 lbs.
All puppies are born and raised in our home.
They are very well socialized; they have been handled and played with since birth.
MALE : Blue Merle, 2 blue eyes, Huge full white collar and rich dark copper accents. He is a very very dark steel grey merle. He will be a show stopper for sure! I am very tempted to keep this guy. He has great bone, good ear set and should be a medium size toy. STAYING HERE
MALE : Blue Merle, 2 blue eyes, full white collar, dark copper. This is the smallest puppy in the litter.
He is a super tiny little boy. I would expect him to be like his dad, a small toy.
He is cute as can be and already has a super personality. $2000 SOLD Thanks Martha!
FEMALE : Black Tri, dark copper and a 3/4 collar. Tiny little girl, too cute for words. If I wasn't thinking about keeping one of her brothers, I would not let her go ! She is just adorable. Will mature to a small toy size.
$1500 as a breeder, $1200 as a pet. ON HOLD