Cleo & Putt Putt Puppies
Born April 30th, 2016
Ready to go home June 24th, 2016
MALE : Blue Merle, 1 blue eye, Lots of very rich dark copper trim. This little guy will look alot like his mother.
He is a stocky puppy with a good ear set and beautiful markings. Can't Believe I still have this super cute boy!! He is a great pup, at a new great price!! $1600 - REDUCED TO $900 SOLD
Click the above pics to go to their page.
This will be a toy size litter. Mom is 12 lbs and Dad is 6 lbs.
All puppies are born and raised in our home.
They are very well socialized; they have been handled and played with since birth.
Clear by parentage for PRA, HC, CD and MDR1
Long pedigree of CH. TOY AUSSIE"S
Cleo puppies are from the start - very very people oriented and friendly! They love children, toys and get along with everyone. This seems to be a very strong trait for this match.
ONLY 1 Puppy still Available !!
MALE : Blue Merle, 2 blue eyes, Lots of very rich dark copper trim. Short and stocky, a very happy go lucky puppy.
$2200 I should not have let this boy go! But Lana Hill in CANADA persuaded me to let her have him!!!
THANKS LANA :) I am looking forward to seeing how he turns out.
FEMALE : Black tri, LOTS OF COPPER Trim. This little girl is just amazing! She is tiny but very stocky with nice bone, head and ears. Expected to stay a small toy around 10". $1500
SOLD Thanks to Jane in TN !!
FEMALE : Black tri, perfect little markings. This girl is just alittle larger than her sister, she has slight heavier bone and may be just a tad taller. She is also an amazing made little dog. $1500 STAYING HERE WITH US