FEMALE : Red Tri, Huge full white collar. Beautiful copper trim. Smallest of the litter.
Should mature around 15lbs. $750 SOLD Thanks Mary!
Lexi & Poppy Puppies !!
Born June 2nd, 2013
Ready to go home July 25th, 2013
FEMALE : Red Tri, Beautiful copper trim. One of the larger pups of the litter.
Should mature around 25lbs. $650 SOLD
FEMALE : Black Tri, Lots of copper trim. Super cute little girl! Small but stocky. This little gal is
a real lover, she always to give kisses! Should mature less than 20lbs. $650
SOLD Thanks Sydney, I know you will love her!
MALE : Red Tri, Lots of copper trim. Big 3/4 white collar. Stocky boy. Should mature around 25lbs.
$650 SOLD
Here at Parsons Place, all our puppies are litter boxed trained. By the time our puppies are 4wks old they are using a doggy door to go out to potty. When they do go out they are taught to go directly into their litter box.
By the time our puppies are 8wks old they are very familiar with using the litter box and have very very few accidents outside of it. This has made a huge improvement on keeping our puppies healthier and cleaner.
Plus it makes life much easier on us!
NOTE : The puppies expected adult size can be hard to calculate. We do our best to guess the puppies weight throughout the first 8wks, and through our knowledge of the parents, grandparents and other litters from the breeding cross.
We can only make a guess. we can not guarantee the future size of a puppy.
All our puppies are sold as PETS<NO BREEDING RIGHTS unless you inquire about them.
All of our puppies are very socialized and raised with tons of love and attention.
You are welcome to come out and see our puppies at any age (with an appointment).
We recommend if you are interested in bringing a mini or toy aussie into your family please come out and visit our dogs to see their size and discuss if they are the right breed for you and your lifestyle.
All our puppies come with a full health guarantee, first set of shots, vet record,
information on crate and house breaking, food, treats, collar and leash.
We will gladly email more pics or answer any questions you might have. Our puppies typically go fast so Deposits of $200 are now being accepted to hold the puppy of your choice.
For more information please contact Kathy Parsons @ 615-512-5600
We also offer experienced shipping for the puppies - Approx. $300
* remember 2 puppies can ship for the price of one !!
We are happy to provide numerous references upon request, that you may
call or email and discuss how they like their puppy !!
Don't see what you are looking for, Keeper has 1 more available puppy and Cookie just had 5 new puppies!
All these puppies have been sold
Check out our Facebook page for more pics and videos