Adult blue merle female available !
MALE : Red Tri, partial blue eye, Very dark copper trim. This boy is super stocky and a beautiful pup. He is loving, fun and playful. I expect him to be a small mini.
MALE : Red Tri, 3/4 white collar, rich copper trim. Super cute guy, very square and stocky,just a tad smaller than his brother. lots of personality and fun! Should be a small mini.
Born November 14, 2012 These puppies have all been sold
FEMALE : Born November 25, 2012, Black Tri, Parital blue eye. What a cutie pie! This little girl is so cute and so much fun. If you like your aussie with a short square nose and thick body -
then this is your girl! . REDUCED PRICE $450 SOLD
FEMALE : Born 6/7/11, 1 and 1/2 years old, Blue Merle, 1 blue eye. Lots of dark copper.
COOKIE, is a daughter of International Champion Crim's Rough Rider. She is a super well put together dog with tons of personality. She is happy and loves everyone! She was brought to me, and is being offered for adoption because her owners can no longer give her the time and attention she deserves.
Cookie has been great here on the farm and has never offered to run away or get out of our kennel areas. She loves to follow on hikes and go on trail rides. I believe the best home would be somewhere with a large area to run, have another dog to play with and an owner that will give her the time she deserves .
Cookie is spayed, housebroke, up to date on all her shots, and comes with a 5 month supply of heartworm prevention. She is approx. 15 inches and 20lbs.
Cookie has no issues and is a great dog! $450 SOLD THANKS JILL !
All of our puppies are very socialized and raised with tons of love and attention.
You are welcome to come out and see our puppies at any age (with an appointment).
We recommend if you are interested in bringing a mini or toy aussie into you family
please come out and visit our dogs to see their size and discuss if they are the right breed
for you and your lifestyle.
All our puppies come with a full year health guarantee, first set of shots, vet record,
information on crate and house breaking, food, treats, collar and a leash.
We will glady email more pics or answer any questions you might have. Our puppies
typically go fast so Deposits of $200 are now being accepted to hold the puppy of your choice.
For more information please contact Kahty Parsons @ 615-512-5600
We also offer experienced shipping for the puppies - Approx. $300
* remember 2 puppies can ship for the price of one !!
We are happy to provide numerous references upon request, that you may
call or email and discuss how they like their puppy !
Still don't see what you are looking for? Rosie has 9 beautiful puppies born 1/3/13,
Lilly had 5 Toy puppies born 1/7/13 !!