These puppies are ready to go home now !!
Please call for more info on any of these puppies!
Female: Red Tri, partial blue eye. This little gal is super friendly and what a beauty. She should be a toy or a very small mini. This is one of the smartest pups we have had, $650 REDUCED to $550
SOLD Thanks to the Hagemann's , from IL !!
Female: Blue merle, 2 blue eyes. A very stocky thick girl, butterball should be her name! This gal has TONS of personality! She Loves everyone she meets. She will stay here if she doesn't sell! $900 SOLD to the Ferri family in TX !!
Keeper and Poppy puppies born Jan. 4th, 2012
Polly and Tag puppies: born Dec. 28th, 2011
Male: Black tri, smaller than his sister, but still stocky. So far alittle more laid back, but it might just be because his sister rules the roost! $650 REDUCED to $450 SOLD Thanks to Laura Brandon, Franklin TN !
Male: Red tri, Amber eyes. Huge white collar. pretty copper trim. This little guy should be small under 20lbs. $650
SOLD Thanks to
Casey Dcarrion From PA !
Female: Black tri, lots of copper trim. Very cute little girl.
$650 SOLD Thanks to the Tucker Family, From Louisville, KY!
Male: Red merle, brown eyes. $800
SOLD Thanks to the Kraus family!!
Cupcake and Tag puppies born Jan. 5th, 2012
Male: Blue merle, 2 blue eyes. Very pretty, will look almost just like his mother Cupcake. $900 SOLD THANKS to the Knight family, Murfressboro TN !!
Male: Red merle, 1 blue eye. Super cute and small guy, with tons of personality! $800 REDUCED to $650 Sold Thanks to Melanie Felts, Murfreesboro TN !
Female: Black tri, super dark copper trim. $550 REDUCED $450
SOLD Thanks to the Berger family, Signal Mt. TN !
Male: Black tri, super dark copper trim.
REDUCED $400 SOLD Thanks to Jim Dawson, from AL!
Sugar and Tag puppies, born Jan. 5th, 2012
Female: Blue merle, brown eyes. Super rich dark copper all around her face! A very small girl. $800 REDUCED $700 SOLD Thanks to Gayle Taylor, Cleveland TN !
Female: Red merle, blue green eyes. Full white collar. Super pretty colors, looks alot like her mother, should stay a toy. $900 SOLD Thanks to the Knight family!
Male: Red tri, full white collar. $650 REDUCED $500
SOLD Thanks to the Graves Family, Signal Mt. TN !
Male: Red tri, full white collar, super tiny little boy!! possibly 15lbs or less grown.
This guy is 100% FUN and full of Spunk !
$600 SOLD thanks to Robin Meistell, Franklin TN
Don't see what you are looking for? Nacho has 4 toy size, black tri females still available !!
Female: Black Tri, born Nov. 27,2011. This girl is now around 13wks old. She has more personality than you could ever ask for!! She has no fear and LOVES everyone. If you are wanting a dog that is a blast to play with, come see her!! Should stay under 20lbs REDUCED to $350 SOLD to a Repeat Customer Thanks ASHLEY!!
NOTE: The puppies expected adult size can be hard to calculate. We do our best to guess the puppies weight throughout the first 8wks, and through our knowledge of the parents, grandparents and other litters born from the breeding cross.
We can only make a guess, we can not guarantee the future size of a puppy.
All our puppies are sold as PETS<NO BREEDING RIGHTS, unless we agree to it.
All of our puppies are very socialized and raised with tons of love and attention.
You are welcome to come out and see our puppies at any age (with an appointment).
We recommend if you are interested in bringing a mini or toy aussie into your family
please come out and visit our dogs to see their size and discuss if they are the right
breed for you and your lifestyle.
All our puppies come with a full health guarantee, first set of shots, vet record,
information on crate and house breaking, food, treats, collar and leash.
We will gladly email more pics or answer any questions you might have. Our puppies
typically go fast so Deposits of $200 are now being accepted to hold the puppy of your
For more information please contact Kathy Parsons @ 615-512-5600
We also offer experienced shipping for the puppies - Approx. $300
* remember 2 puppies can ship for the price of one !!
We are happy to provide numerous references upon request, that you may
call or email and discuss they like their puppy !!
Click on thumbnail pictures to enlarge !!